Monterey Jack Chicken Veggie Salad


This is based on a pasta salad I came up with when I was 18. The combo of the Monterey Jack, and the green bell peppers, and the back olives, and the Mayo, is one of my favorites. 

These days we don't eat much pasta (because we're 40!), so this version has lightly boiled asparagus in place of the pasta. 


  • 2-3 pounds of chicken breasts, and/or tenderloins. 
  • 6 green bell peppers.
  • 2 cans (6 oz) medium black olives (whole).
  • 24 ounces shredded Monterey Jack cheese.
  • 3 bunches of fresh asparagus, (about 5 cups).
  • 12 ounces Mayo, like Better Body Foods avocado Mayo.
  1. Dice up your chicken and toss it into an instant pot (if you're cooking a second chicken recipe for meal planning this week, you can cook that chicken at the same time).
  2. Cook chicken on the sauté setting, stirring every 3 minutes, for 20 minutes. 
  3. Fish out chicken with tongs, or a slotted spoon, and place it into a large glass storage container (separate out additional chicken, if using). Reserve the chicken stock for another recipe. 
  4. In a large skillet, like the Always Pan, fill 1/2 way with water. 
  5. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat. 
  6. Trim off the woody ends of the asparagus (2-3 inches) and discard. 
  7. Cut the asparagus into 1 inch pieces (crosswise), and drop them gently into boiling water. 
  8. Set a timer for 3 minutes. Once finished, strain the asparagus into a colander. 
  9. Add the asparagus to the chicken, and stir well. 
  10. Dice up bell peppers, and add them to the chicken and asparagus. 
  11. Drain the olives, and add them to the same bowl. 
  12. Add Mayo and cheese. Stir well. 
Serves 10 as a meal. 
