Not Reese’s Puffs Keto Mug Cake


Mug cakes are such a godsend when you’re trying to ease into the keto diet and minimize keto flu symptoms. I would know! I accidentally shut down my metabolism for a day. 

Now that I’m getting back into keto, after a few days of believing I needed to finish up all the kombuchas we bought, I am realizing just how much better I feel on keto, and I have reaffirmed my commitment to it. 

This mug cake is a little dry, because of the peanut butter, but if you think other mug cakes are a bit too wet, it might be your thing. You could “wetten” it with a tbsp of sour cream or Greek yogurt. 

Also, I am getting used to semi-sweet, in order to put less erythritol in my system. 

Omit the peanut butter, if you just want a double chocolate mug cake. 


  • 3 tbsp almond flour (fine, blanched)
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder 
  • 1 tbsp dark cocoa powder 
  • 1 tbsp erythritol 
  • 1 tbsp peanut butter 
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp butter 
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract 
  • 1 tbsp Greek yogurt (optional)
  • 1/2 tbsp nutritional yeast (optional, for healthiness)
  • 2 squares Lindt 95% dark chocolate bar. 
  1. Melt butter in the microwave.
  2. Then add everything else, except Lindt squares. 
  3. Break up the Lindt squares and stir them in. 
  4. Transfer to a ramekin, or a large mug, and microwave on high for 60 seconds. 
Note: I’m going to work on a chocolate cheesecake mug cake to go with this in the future. Stay tuned. 
