Oven Baked Ham and Beans


  • 2 pounds of your favorite beans like northern or pinto
  • 2 boneless ham steaks, about 1.5 pounds. 
  • 64 oz. water. 
  • 4 Tbsp. soy sauce. 
  • 4 Tbsp. butter. 
  • 1 tsp salt. 
  • 2 tsp black pepper. 
  1. Soak dry beans in double the amount of water in a storage container with a lid in the refrigerator for 8 hours. 
  2. Drain and rinse beans and add them to a 6 quart cast iron enamel Dutch oven.
  3. Cut ham steaks into 1/2 inch square cubes and add to beans. 
  4. Fill Dutch oven with remainder of ingredients and heat over medium-high heat (6) until it just bubbles and the butter is completely melted.
  5. Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. 
  6. Cover Dutch oven with lid and bake for 1 hour and 45 minutes. 
  7. Carefully remove from oven, as there will be a lot of steam.
  8. Remove the lid carefully too. 
  9. Serve with cut cantaloupe. 
